I have taught the ways of the wilderness for well over thirty years and have authored a novel which dives deep into the shadows that follow you as you traverse wilderness trails. It is my hope to reach as many people as possible to tell everyone that the wilderness is not a place to be wary of. It is the only place where a person can dig deep into their soul and find that which is hidden to them by modern day society.
~ R.G. Wright - Hawks Shadow

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The wild ones follow my sled trail.

I have several trail cameras set up at strategic points within the forest which I call home. 

Seeing the tracks of the wild ones and trying to discern the animals movements and actions from the tracks is something I love to do. To have my thoughts verified or nullified by camera footage is a great way to hone my skills as a tracker. 

Deer have a tendency to yard up in the winter. Simply stated, they stay in areas which provide them enough browse for food and can be easily navigated. This is a survival strategy which has existed for thousands of years. 

White tailed deer go into a state of lowered metabolism during the cold months. This allows them to survive during a time when food is scarce.

Feeding deer in the winter raises their metabolism and can actually be detrimental if one cannot keep a constant supply of feed for the deer. The animal's will not be able to survive the winter in this heightened state if the food source is not constant. 

Deer, like us, will take advantage of hard packed trails for the simple purpose of energy management. 

The Algonquin Wolf is an expert at energy management. It too will follow the trails laid down by my sled. This animal is integral to the survival of the natural forest. It keeps the deer moving and ensures their population will not strip the forest bare of vegetation. The wolf and deer were together long before ships landed on the shores of what is now called North America. 

Next time you see a wolf print superimposed on a deer print, be assured that you are walking in a forest which is still intact and natural. 


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