I have taught the ways of the wilderness for well over thirty years and have authored a novel which dives deep into the shadows that follow you as you traverse wilderness trails. It is my hope to reach as many people as possible to tell everyone that the wilderness is not a place to be wary of. It is the only place where a person can dig deep into their soul and find that which is hidden to them by modern day society.
~ R.G. Wright - Hawks Shadow

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Winter Trails for Wildlife

 Winter is harsh on wildlife. Food sources are limited and therefore the animals energy levels are not optimal. 

All winter wildlife have adaptions which allow them to survive during the lean months.

White Tailed Deer for example, enter a state where their metabolism reduces to the point where they can subsist on buds from trees.  

Never feed deer in the winter unless you can sustain it over the entire duration of the cold weather. The food you feed them will increase their metabolism to the point where they will become dependent on you for survival. 

You will help them much more by simply creating trails in the deep snow with snowshoes, skis or snowmobile.   This allows the wild ones to move through their home territories with very little expenditure of valuable energy. 

Of course, the wild ones do not need us; but since we live in their homelands, it suffices to say that helping them out by simply packing down a few trails goes a long way to making our transgressions feel less intrusive. 

Happy Wandering. 


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Simple camp backrest

 The winter woods are full of wonder and silent secrets which have been written upon the snow for us to read and decipher. Snowshoes are a perfect conveyance for anyone wishing to reach the pages of the book. 

Snowshoes disperse your weight thus allowing you to traverse deep snow with relative ease.
Once you have a comfortable camp setup and a fire is radiating heat into your shelter, put your snowshoes to work and create a backrest. 

I refer to a term "kick" in this video. What I am referring to is the long piece of wood which extends from the back of a traditional snowshoe commonly referred to as the Algonquin snowshoe.

The "kick" helps to keep your feet tracking straight while walking. It can be a hinderance if you find yourself in dense bush but it is invaluable when traversing open fields and lakes. 

I prefer the bearpaw or modified bearpaw snowshoe as shown in this video. It disperses my weight perfectly and allows for ease of movement in the wilderness through which I wander. 

Hope this is of some service to my fellow wanderers. 

Happy wandering. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Solo Winter Shelter - Effective and Easy

Snowshoeing into a winter wonderland is a beautiful way to spend a day. The silence of the woods and the clean crisp air invites curiosity and adventure. 

Winter hiking, especially in the deep woods, brings along with it the potential of mishaps which could place the wanderer into a survival situation. 

The very act of walking in deep snow with snowshoes is strenuous and could cause you to sweat. This in turn could cool your body down to the point of shivering. This is first stage hypothermia and if you are a long way from your starting point, you are now in trouble. 

There are many fancy shelters being displayed on social media; however, very few are portable and easy to set up. Not withstanding the environmental impact they cause. 

Using a simple eight by ten poly tarp, four carabiners, a pole and twenty feet or so of cordage; your shelter can be set up within a few minutes. All of this can be easily carried in or on your day pack. 

Once a fire is going and you are tucked into the shelter, you can remove the wet clothing and dry it within the shelter. 

This shelter is wonderful to sleep in. The white tarp allows moonlight to fill the interior with a glow which is comforting and beautiful. The simple lean-to style captures heat from the fire which easily brings the temperature of the shelter up to well above the freezing point. 

The best part of this set up is it's simplicity and the low impact it has on the forest.

Happy wandering. 



Monday, February 8, 2021

Testing a camp stove

Packing for a trip through the woods requires a few fundamental items. One of the items you should carry is a portable camp stove. 

Be it the humble hobo stove or a commercially made unit is a matter of choice and function. 

Always test your equipment before heading out. Ensure it meets or exceeds your needs and does not add too much bulk or weight to your pack. 

In this video I test out the Uberleben Stoker Flatpack Stove. 

I am not affiliated with Uberleben or any company that sells their gear. I simply want to share with you  the equipment that can handle the reality of the bush. 

Happy Wandering



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