I have taught the ways of the wilderness for well over thirty years and have authored a novel which dives deep into the shadows that follow you as you traverse wilderness trails. It is my hope to reach as many people as possible to tell everyone that the wilderness is not a place to be wary of. It is the only place where a person can dig deep into their soul and find that which is hidden to them by modern day society.
~ R.G. Wright - Hawks Shadow

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Great Place For Family Camping - Algonquins Highlands - Big East Lake

After a long illness which precluded me from paddling, I was finally able to launch my little kayak onto a lake which is close to my home.

Big East Lake located in the Algonquin Highlands. It is a very busy place in the summer due to it's ease of access and it's great campsites. The lake is a great place to initiate your children to the wonderful world of camping. 

It is early October and the crowds have slipped away, so I have the lake pretty much to myself as I explore its length and breadth. 

I filmed this paddle with my Gopro Hero 9. I used four batteries in less than three hours. There was a lot to capture and the lighting conditions were perfect for this little action camera. 

Grab your paddle and come along for a quiet journey upon a lake which is perfect for day trips or a week long camping outing. 

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