The snow covered forests and fields are home to birds which do not fly south when brother cold blankets the land. They are generally the species which hunt for seeds, nuts, dormant bugs and the carcasses of animals.
Winter is hard for the wild ones. Foraging becomes a never ending quest for energy. Both predator and prey must dance to the dictates of the winter winds.
Setting up a bird feeder helps augment the wild birds diet and allows you to watch the interaction of the many species which will visit.
The happy-go-lucky chickadees will flit in and out taking a seed at a time, the nuthatches will entertain you with their antics while the verbose blue jay's will test your patience as they scoop out half the contents of the feeder looking for the perfect seed.
Red squirrels will find your feeder quickly, this will certainly command the attention of the predators. I have seen hawks, owls, weasels, fox and wolf at the feeders I have in front of my home. (Don't worry, the chatty red squirrel is clever and alert.)
The project in this video is simple to make and easy to use:
1. Drill holes in a log of any size.
2. Fill the holes with suet or peanut butter.
3. Place your log feeder where you can see it.
4. Sit back and enjoy the dance.
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